The Okamoto 001 Zero One condom is the thinnest condom in the Okamoto condom line-up.
Made of polyurethane, it allows heat to be transmitted faster and better than normal latex condoms and is especially well received by users allergic to latex. The quality of the 001 Zero One condom transcends all of the characteristics of its predecessor, Okamoto 002 Hydro Polyurethane – not just in thinness, but also in the softness and elasticity of the material. Experience the difference today.
Made in Japan to ISO 4074:2002 standards and tested with precise electrostatic technology.
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For international orders, please note that our shipping cost does not include any applicable taxes and duties by customs in the country where you want the order to be delivered.
Your order may be eligible for import taxes.
You may be required to hold a permit to import these good. It is your responsibility as a customer to check with your local customs authorities on the import regulations prior to placing your order.
If such required permit, taxes, duties or any required documentations are not provided upon request, thus resulting in unsuccessful shipping, Okamoto has the full rights to deny any request for refund.